Well Good Morning to you all! It's a beautiful day here in Northern Missouri! Here is your Daily Bulletin: https://5il.co/1gqls
over 2 years ago, Nanette Burge
Good bright sunny morning! First day of school. Here is your bulletin! https://5il.co/1gntc
over 2 years ago, Nanette Burge
NDR3 announcement. Regretfully, due to the county water line repair and lack of water, Back to School Night for this evening (8/22) is cancelled. Water is expected to be back on in time for school tomorrow. Boil order in effect. We look forward to seeing all of our Knights tomorrow!
over 2 years ago, North Daviess R-III
Boy, we had a good storm this morning! School is beginning to wind up and get ready to start. We're looking forward to all of you coming back this year!https://5il.co/1aqlw
over 2 years ago, Nanette Burge
Varsity Softball practice will begin August 8th JHSB begins Aug 15th. Physicals must be done prior to the first practice. Van will leave at 7:30 on the 8th. Contact school for more details.
over 2 years ago, North Daviess R-III
NDR3 Registration is set for August 10th and 11th. 8am-12pm and 1-3pm both days. Please call to schedule an appointment.
over 2 years ago, North Daviess R-III
Back to school open house will be August 22nd. 5:00-6:30 p.m. We can't wait to see all of those smiling Knight faces!
over 2 years ago, North Daviess R-III
Back to school!
Here is your new School Supply List!
over 2 years ago, Nanette Burge
School Supply List 2022-2023
Please help welcome our new Principal Mr. John Rockhold. John Rockhold began his educational career in the Richmond School District in 2011 as a high school math teacher. He has a diverse background, having taught in rural education in Otterville Missouri, and several years in urban education at the School District of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. He comes to North Daviess R-III from Cameron, Missouri where he was a Math Teacher. His educational experiences have allowed him the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse group of people in order to meet the goal of increasing student wellbeing and achievement. His educational philosophy is based on his uncompromising belief that all students can learn, given a positive learning environment, strong and knowledgeable leadership, a committed and focused educational team, an encouraging community, and a supportive family. Mr. Rockhold received a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics from Missouri Western State University in 2007. He decided to pursue a career in education in 2009 and attended Northwest Missouri State University where he received his Masters in Math Education in 2012. He also received his Educational Specialist in Educational Leadership from Northwest Missouri State University in 2021.
almost 3 years ago, North Daviess R-III
Mr. Rockhold
Good morning! This is our last day of school. Here is your daily bulletinhttps://5il.co/1aqlw
almost 3 years ago, Nanette Burge
Reminder: NDR3 will dismiss early (12:25) today 5/18 for the last day of school. Be safe and enjoy your Summer Knights!
almost 3 years ago, North Daviess R-III
Reminder: NDR3 will have an early dismissal (12:25) tomorrow 5/18 for the last day of school. Be safe and enjoy your Summer!
almost 3 years ago, North Daviess R-III
It's absolutely going to be a beautiful day! Here's your daily bulletin! https://5il.co/1al1l
almost 3 years ago, Nanette Burge
North Daviess is saddened to learn of the passing of legendary coach and, Jameson Alumnus, Larry Holley. Our thoughts are with the Holley family during this difficult time. Everyone has a "Larry story" as Larry had a positive impact on everyone he met. Coach Holley has forgotten more about "the great game of basketball" than most will ever know. More than a great coach, Larry was a great person and he will be dearly missed. Condolences to the Holley family.
almost 3 years ago, North Daviess R-III
Larry Holley w/trophies
Graduation tonight at 6:30. We are proud of you graduates! Best wishes with your future endeavors!
almost 3 years ago, North Daviess R-III
Take over the world!
Visit https://www.northdaviessr-iii.com/page/apply-here to see our openings and spread the word to anyone that may be interested! Thanks!
almost 3 years ago, North Daviess R-III
The skies are dark! Our seniors last day is today! Graduation time! Here is your daily bulletin. Have a great weekend! https://5il.co/1aicz
almost 3 years ago, Nanette Burge
Good morning! It's a moist one today! Here is your Daily Bulletin! https://5il.co/1afyg
almost 3 years ago, Nanette Burge
Good morning! Everything is turning green! Here is your daily bulletin! https://5il.co/1ace3
almost 3 years ago, Nanette Burge
Well hello! Boy it's going to be a hot August day in May today! Here's your daily bulletin! https://5il.co/1a9ng
almost 3 years ago, Nanette Burge